Eminem crashed into the mainstream in the late ‘90s, and with super-producer Dr. Dre behind the boards the Detroit emcee quickly became a cultural touchstone. His combination of cartoonish rage, ear-tickling beats, and gushing rhyme skills divided the public, earning both the praise of critics and the scorn of rap-hating political interests. His second album was darker, featuring the moody singles “Stan” and “The Way I Am.” Eminem’s private life reflected his bad-boy image, as he dealt with a divorce, a lawsuit from his mother, and an arrest for weapons violations. In 2001 he teamed up with Elton John at the Grammys (in part to quiet charges of homophobia) and went to work on the semi-autobiographical film 8 Mile. The albums The Eminem Show and Encore followed in 2002 and 2004 respectively. It took five years to complete his next album, as Eminem bounced in and out of rehab and struggled with the possibility of rekindling the relationship with his longtime girlfriend Kim. Relapse was finally released in 2009, and its disturbing undertones recast the pop culture spotlight on the bratty kid from Detroit. Another chart-topper, Recovery, followed in 2010.